To b(log) or not to b(log)

March 3, 2013

To be, or not to be, that is the question

That is the opening phrase of a soliloquy in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet. That is a very serious question, and believe me, we are not going to discuss something that important. But what we are going to discuss is an interesting, if not important, question: to blog, or not to blog.

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Writing Flavors

January 3, 2013

As a birthday gift to my wife, I released this website on her birthday and uploaded the articles that I had written already. I asked my wife to read them and give me feedback. Personally, I would have rated them in the order of:

  • What makes you, you?
  • Forgetting "forgive and forget"
  • Discovering the joy of writing
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What makes you you?

December 26, 2012

I'm sure you have wondered, at some time or the other, "who am i?" Probably, you are the kind of person who has meditated over it, or you might be the kind who does not give it a second thought. Probably you were born in a culture, like the Indian culture, where you have heard this question from your elders, or from stories in your childhood. Probably you have gone one step further and wondered or heard questions like "why am i here?" or "what am i here for?"

But have you ever wondered what does it mean to "be me"? Over any period of time, be it short or long, we are continuously changing. Changing physically - children grow up, adults grow old; emotionally - our moods keep changing constantly; and in many other ways - life is change! But there is one thing that never changes, the feeling of "me". No matter where we are, in what place, in what situation, we always know our "selves". How does this happen? In fact, what is this self?

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Forgetting "forgive and forget"

December 24, 2012

Albert Einstein once said

Use the brain to process (think), not to store (remember).

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Discovering the joy of writing

December 22, 2012

Getting this website built was a difficult but manageable task. But where do I get the content from? I am no writer myself. I have written a few blog posts, but those were long ago and there was definitely no discipline there. Those were some random, and more importantly, sporadic thoughts that I penned down. However what I am trying to do now is a totally different beast. Of course, the idea is to attract people to write on this website, but before that there needs to be atleast some initial content. It is easier to add content and ideas to an existing work, but very difficult to start something oneself. So that is the responsibility I must take onto myself, to initiate and to lay down some basic foundation.

Ok, so now I have got myself a goal and some determination too. But that does not solve the problem of skill. Having a goal and determination does not make me a writer. So I do the only thing that makes sense, procrastinate! After having delayed the task for a few weeks, I decided to do the inevitable:

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