Git week: part - 1

December 18, 2013

git rocks! I have been using git for all my personal projects for at-least the last 2 years now. But what I have learned in this week is probably more than what I have learned in the last few months, and I am dying to share them with you!

git-bundle: Honestly, I learned this maybe in the last month, or the month before that. But then, I wasn't blogging actively at that time. So what the heck? I will share it with you as if I have learned it in this week ;)

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More exciting and new features for Golbin!

December 17, 2013

Hello. Welcome back! I am sure that you are as excited to find out about the new features that we have added to our website this week as we are to tell you about it. As mentioned here previously, we will try our best to continuously add small and big (both user-facing and not) features to our Golbin! website. So let's review what's new:

RSS: We have added a RSS stream for all our index pages; that is for the home page, and also for all category/sub-category (click here and here for example) and author pages (like this for example). So now viewers can access Golbin! stories from your favorite feed reader. To use this functionality, simple search for and click the "RSS" link present at the bottom of any of our index pages.

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Producer-consumer problem, revisited

December 16, 2013

Anyone who has learnt basic "operating system" concepts in their Computer Science engineering knows about the producer consumer problem. It is a classic synchronization problem, where there are 2 processes, the "producer" and the "consumer", both sharing a fixed size common buffer. The producer produces something that is consumed by the consumer. The problem is to make sure that the producer does not try to add to an already full buffer and that the consumer does not try to remove from an empty buffer. But today I am not going to discuss this problem from a Computer Science perspective, but from a completely different angle.

I had mentioned in one of my previous articles, here, I am trying to write 1 new story every day, or atleast every weekday. Now you might ask what has that to do with the producer-consumer problem. Well, let me explain.

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Don't break the chain

December 15, 2013

Lately i have been having streaks of unproductive days. Days when i don't feel like doing anything. I think it's OK and normal to have a day or 2 like that, but when it becomes day"s", then one starts to worry. Work starts to pile up and frustration starts to build. Things go from normal to bad to worse. The mounting frustration does little to help getting out of this situation.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not lazy. Quite on the contrary, I'm a GTD fan. I use emacs and the super-excellent org-mode to maintain both notes and tasks. In fact, org-mode was one big reason why i gave up my "Doc-vim" status and entered the life of emacs. Anyways, that's a story for a different day ;)

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SVN unmerge

December 13, 2013

I recently came across the following scenario in my work-place. We use SVN as our version control repository, and use a trunk) for production pushes and feature branch for feature development. However, this time we made the mistake of merging feature-branch into trunk-prematurely; because the client team wanted to test both trunk features/bug-fixes and feature-branch changes together before the next launch (a very valid ask).

Now the issue is that if we get an critical bug that needs to be fixed ASAP, then the trunk is no longer clean to do a bug-fix and re-deploy.

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